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11/24/2010 Giving Thanks

It’s been a good year for Digalicious. And I have lots to be thankful for.

Great collaborators – I’ve had the pleasure of working with a great group of collaborators, like Bill Drew, of Cottage 10, and Corey Machanic. I’ve worked with both of them for years, but I realize that each year it just keeps getting better and we keep producing better work together.

Great clients – I’ve done a lot of different things this year for my clients, lots of thinking AND doing. I’m extremely lucky to have clients who are open to new ideas and who are willing to take some risks. The results have been great as well, but that’s only because of the people involved from the get go. What’s even better, I like all of them personally as well, they’re just a good group of people. 

Great results – Even though Digalicious isn’t solely a digital production company, a lot of what we’ve produced ended up delivering business results and gained creative recognition. We won an FCS best of show for Vermont Matters, and then took a gold and silver W3 award for Vermont Matters and a Fletcher Allen arrhythmia banner. Then we won a MITX award for the entire online campaign for Fletcher Allen. Another huge thanks to Corey, who collaborated with me on all of this work.

Great family – However good my work is, it’s the result of having a great family around me. I’m lucky to have the flexibility of an entrepreneur so I can spend time with them. They inspire my thinking, creativity and ambition.

So on Thanksgiving I have a lot to be thankful for.

Thank you.


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