1 posts categorized "C.C. Chapman"

05/18/2009 Social Media Breakfast Speaker: C.C. Chapman

On June 1, I’m hosting a Social Media Breakfast in Burlington with Champlain College. We have a great line up of speakers, including C.C. Chapman, Todd Defren, and Mike Hayes of Magic Hat Brewing Company. Plus a good breakfast. After missing SXSW this year I wanted to see if we could bring a little bit of that magic to Vermont. The morning should be a good opportunity to listen to some of the top brains in the business, to learn something, and to connect with area marketers, both on the business side and the agency side.

We’ll also have a breakout session to help a Vermont non-profit break into social media. For registration info, visit http://smb.eventbrite.com.

Cc.champman This week we’re highlighting C.C. Chapman. C.C. is the Co-Founder and a Managing Partner of The Advance Guard. His clients include American Eagle Outfitters, Coca-Cola, and Warner Bros. He just launched DigitalDads.com, along with a couple of colleagues.

Q: When did you start getting involved in social media?

A: My first blog post was on July 2, 2002. Just like today I was writing about what was on my mind and happening in my life. At the time I was also active in the growing online film community and maintaining the website for our production company. I realized the power early on because I was connecting with fellow passionate micro budget movie makers. We didn't have social networks yet, but we had e-mail and discussion forums and we liked it that way. “laugh”

Q: What's the most interesting or fun social media campaign you've either been involved in or watched?

A: We had a lot of fun working on the Twittering Teddy project for Verizon FiOS as part of their My Home 2.0 initiative. It integrated so many touch points, technologies and best practices that it was a blast to be part of. Of course having a teddy bear in my basement speaking twitter messages for two weeks had more then one interesting moment.

Q: What social media trend is, for you, the most interesting to keep our eye on?

A: As a father I'm intrigued by how kids are going to start using this. I have a ten and eight year old and they hear me talk about all this technology. I watch as they talk on the phone with a friend while playing with them in a virtual world at the same time. I wonder how it is going to affect them both on a personal level, but also in education. They are going to grow up with such a rapid changing world of technology that by the time they graduate I can only imagine what they will be doing online.

Make sure to check out C.C.’s blog.

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