A little noticed news item popped up this week as Adobe and Intel announced that they’re working to make Flash work on TVs. The two companies state that the focus is on better Web based videos via TV but what it ultimately should do is to bring interactivity to the broadcast medium.
With TV going digital and most of our boxes hooked up to high-speed connections, the only thing that missing is the interactive screen in our living room. This push, hopefully, will start fulfilling the promise of on-demand advertising, non-linear storytelling and maybe even direct user generated content on live shows.
Or will it? The question is whether we want to watch from a distance on one box (the TV) while interacting with something closer (our laptop) at the same time.
It’ll be interesting to see how this develops and which broadcast network tries to get out in front of this. Or whether they’ll test it primarily on Hulu and Joost.